

Applications of scanning transmission electron microscopy and density functional theory in two-dimension materials

by Dr.Junhao Lin

Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, US


MEMS教育部重点实验室 南高院4楼活动室


         The recent development in aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) has pushed the limit of spatial resolution to discrete atoms. Meanwhile, the electron beam in a STEM can be used to controllably modify the structure of a material and simultaneously provide atomic-scale images of the dynamical processes that occur, leading to a precise fabrication of ultrafine structures within the materials. With the combination of the first-principle density functional theory (DFT), the properties of these as-fabricated nanostructures can be further predicted and explained. In this talk, I'm going to discuss some of the recent results on the application of this combined technique to various two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) monolayers. Examples will be given as the controllably fabrication of triangular inversion domains and ultrasmall conducting interconnects within the TMDC monolayers nanoelectronics.