Zhifang Dong


Basic Information
Zhifang Dong
Address: Jinling Building, Room 316, SEU,Sipailou 2, Nanjing
Research Interest

Signal processing
Image processing
Computer fast algorithms.
Recent Research Project:
Research on the fast algorithms for the sliding discrete orthogonal transforms and their applications(2013- )

Biographical Information

Education :Phd Southeast University
Present Professional Title & Position: Associate professor, master’s tutor

Selected Publications

1.Dong zhifang etc .Novel approach for fast computation of MDCT and IMDCT based on moments, Journal of Southeast University,2009.39(4):747-752
2.Dong zhifang etc. A novel algorithm for two-dimensional Discrete Hartley Transform ,jisunwuli.. 2011:28(2):283-288.
3.Dong zhifang, Zhang hui,Shu huzhong. An efficient method for the exact computation of legendre moments of binary images[C]. DSP 2009:16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing. Santorini, Greece.2009:1-4.
4.Dong zhifang, Wu jiasong,Shu huzhong. Moment-based method for computing the two-dimensional discrete Hartley transform[C]. MIPPR 2009 - Medical Imaging, Parallel Processing of Images, and Optimization Techniques. Yichang, China.2009:7497OM1-5.