Singapore A*STAR Dr.Qingguo Du gave lecture


On June 6, 2014, Singapore A*STAR Dr.Du gave lecture of "Light Management in nanostructures for solar cell application "to our school.His talk mainly focuses on the design and investigation of three types of nanostructures: anti-reflective coating, nanostructured active layer and metallic nanostructure electrodes.
Dr. Qingguo Du is currently a Research Scientist of the research institutes of Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) of Singapore. He obtained his Ph.D in the area of microelectronics from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2012. His research interests are mainly focused on nanophotonics including nanostructured thin film solar cell, antireflective film, nanopatterned thin metal film transparent electrodes, nonlinear photonic crystals and cost effective semiconductor laser diodes.