Yiping Cui


Basic Information
Yiping Cui
Address:Advanced Photonics Center, Southeast University
Research Interest
He established the Advanced Photonics Center in Southeast University, of which he is the director. Prof. Cui has been engaged in research on Polymeric Nonlinear Optics, Nanophotonic materials, and Biophotonics. Prof. Cui has published over 300 papers on key journals. He co-authored two book chapters in monographs: "Optics of intense light and its applications" and "Physics of Nonlinear Optics" (English Version) and a graduate student textbook "Laser Physics".
For his pioneering contributions to the understanding of nonlinear and luminescent properties of polymeric, organic and nanophotonic materials, Dr. Cui was elected as a Fellow of the Optical Society of America. He is Vice President of 27th CIE (Commission International de L'Eclairage, International Commission on Illumination). He serves as a member of the editorial board of Journal of Nonlinear Optics and Materials and Acta Optica Sinica, a member of the international council of the Optical Society of America, Vice President of China Illuminating Engineering Society, President of Jiangsu Optical Society.
Biographical Information
2010    Fellow, Optical Society of America
2001     Winner of China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists
2000     Cheung Kong Scholar Program by the Ministry of Education, China
Oct. 1995-June 1996      Visiting Professor, Institute for Lasers, Photonics, and Biophotonics, The State University of New York at Buffalo
Dec. 1993-present     Professor, Department of Electronics (Now School of Electronic Science and Engineering), Southeast University, China
Dec. 1992-Nov. 1993     Associate Professor, Department of Electronics, Southeast University, China
Dec. 1989-June 1992      Visiting Scholar, Institute for Lasers, Photonics, and Biophotonics, The State University of New York at Buffalo
Sep. 1984-Nov. 1992      Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics, Southeast University, China
1994      Department of Electronic Engineering, Southeast University, China Ph. D.
1984      Department of Electronic Engineering, Southeast University, China M. Sc.
1982      Department of Electronic Engineering, Southeast University, China B. Sc.
Selected Publications
1.Wang, Z., Zong, S., Li, W., Wang, C., Xu, S., Chen, H., Cui, Y*. SERS-fluorescence joint spectral encoding using organic-metal-QD hybrid nanoparticles with a huge encoding capacity for high-throughput biodetection: Putting theory into practice (2012) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134 (6), pp. 2993-3000.
2.Zong, S., Wang, Z., Chen, H., Cui, Y*. Ultrasensitive Telomerase Activity Detection by Telomeric Elongation Controlled Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (2013) Small, 9, pp 4215-4220.
3.Zhang, L., Zhan, Q., Zhang, J., Cui, Y.*, Diffraction inhibition in two-dimensional photonic crystals (2011) Optics Letters, 36, pp 651-653.
4.Zong, S., Wang, Z., Chen, H., Hu, G., Liu, M., Chen, P., Cui, Y*. Colorimetry and SERS Dual-mode Detection of Telomerase Activity: Combining Rapid Screening with High Sensitivity (2013) Nanoscale, DOI: 10.1039/C3NR04942F.
5.Xu, S., Wang, C., Xu, Q., Zhang, H., Li, R., Shao, H., Lei, W., Cui, Y.*, Key Roles of Solution pH and Ligands in the Synthesis of Aqueous ZnTe Nanoparticles (2010) Chemistry of Materials, 22, pp 5838-5844.
6.Cong, J., Yun, B., Cui, Y.*, The ratio of the kinetic inductance to the geometric inductance: a key parameter for the frequency tuning of the THz semiconductor split-ring resonator (2013) Optics Express, 21, pp 20363-20375.
7.Gu, B., Cui, Y.*, Nonparaxial and paraxial focusing of azimuthal-variant vector beams (2012) Optics Express, 20, pp 17684-17694.
8.Zhang, L., Zhan, Q., Yun, B., Zhang, J., Cui, Y.*, Multichannel routing of diffraction-inhibited beams in two-dimensional photonic crystals (2011) Optics Express, 19, pp 9890-9895.
9.Zhou Z., Lu C., Xu S., Jiang Y., Yun B., Wang C., Cui Y.*, Surface states controlled broadband enhancement of two-photon absorption (2013) Applied Physics Letters, 103, pp 231111.