• Information
  • Teaching
  • Scientific research
  • Honor Award
  • Team and enrollment
Department:Display Research Center BirthDate:1968.10 Degree: Career:Professor、Researcher Post: Phone:025-83794756-838 Email:lcg@seu.edu.cn OfficeLocation:Center of Display Technology, Room 316,SEU,2 Sipailou, Nanjing
Education experience
Work Experience
Department:Display Research Center BirthDate:1968.10 Degree: Career:Professor、Researcher Post: Phone:025-83794756-838 Email:lcg@seu.edu.cn OfficeLocation:Center of Display Technology, Room 316,SEU,2 Sipailou, Nanjing
Teach Course

Postdoctoral research associate Heriot-Watt University, Physics, 2002-2003
PhD Aberdeen University, Engineering, 2002
BE Southeast university, 1990
Associate Professor, Southeast University,2003-2007
Professor, Southeast University, 2008
The First Level Technology Advance Award of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation in 2011

Teaching Research
Department:Display Research Center BirthDate:1968.10 Degree: Career:Professor、Researcher Post: Phone:025-83794756-838 Email:lcg@seu.edu.cn OfficeLocation:Center of Display Technology, Room 316,SEU,2 Sipailou, Nanjing
Host Brief Introduction:
Research Projects:
Research Results

Quantum well solar cells;
Down-conversion solar cells and up-conversion solar cells;
Nano antireflection thin films;
Recent Research Project:
Triple-junction quantum well solar cells;
Down-conversion solar cells enhanced by surface plasmon;
Nano-rod antireflection SiO2 thin films;

Academic Part-time

1.The effects of down-conversion materials on solar cells,the 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, pp2596, Austin,Jun 2012.
2.Over 30% Efficiency Triple-junction GaInP/GaAs/Ge Quantum Well Solar Cells, Proceeding of the 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, pp133, Seattle ,June 2011.
3.Correlations and fluctuations in phase coarsening Physical Review E 73, No. 061502 2006
4.Current-enhanced quantum well solar cells Chinese Physics Letters 23, 247-248 2006

Department:Display Research Center BirthDate:1968.10 Degree: Career:Professor、Researcher Post: Phone:025-83794756-838 Email:lcg@seu.edu.cn OfficeLocation:Center of Display Technology, Room 316,SEU,2 Sipailou, Nanjing
Department:Display Research Center BirthDate:1968.10 Degree: Career:Professor、Researcher Post: Phone:025-83794756-838 Email:lcg@seu.edu.cn OfficeLocation:Center of Display Technology, Room 316,SEU,2 Sipailou, Nanjing
Team Introduction
Graduates Introduction